
December Chord Yang Pernah Menjadi Top Song Of The Year

Kamis, 23 Mei 2024, 10:41:37 WIB - 483 View
December Chord Yang Pernah Menjadi Top Song Of The Year

“Desember” adalah salah satu hits Neck Deep. Lagu ini muncul di album mereka tahun 2015 “Life’s Not Out to Get You” dan telah diputar lebih dari 39 juta kali di platform musik digital.





Tuning: Standard EADGBe

Chords used:

Bb -   x13331

F -    133211

Gm -   355333

Eb -   x68886

Bb/D - x587xx

Intro: Bb

Verse 1:

Walked around the


block a thousand

times Missed every

call that I had tried

so now I'm giving up


  A heartbreak in mid

December You don't

give a fuck You'd


never remember me

while you're pulling

on his jeans Getting


lost in the big city

I was looking out our

window Watching all


the cars go Wondering

if I'll see Chicago

Or a sunset on the


west coast Or will

I die in the cold?

Feeling blue and


alone I wonder if


you'll ever hear

this song on

your stereo

Chorus 1:


  I hope you get your


ballroom floor Your

perfect house with


rose red doors I'm

the last thing you'd


remember It's been a


long lonely December

I wish I'd known that


less is more But I

was passed out on the


floor And that's the


last thing I remember

It's been a long

lonely December


Verse 2:


  Cast me aside to

show yourself in

a better light I


came out breathing

barely breathing

and you came out

alright But I'm


sure you'll take

his hand I hope

he's better than

I ever could've


been My mistakes

were not intentions

This is a list of

my confessions

           Bb Eb Gm

I couldn't say


  Pain is never


permanent but

tonight it's

killing me


(Repeat Chorus 1)


Interlude: Bb/D Eb Bb F Bb/D Eb F



Bb/D            Eb

    I miss your face


You're in my head

There's so many


things that I


should've said

A year of


suffering a


lesson learned

Bb/D            Eb

    I miss your face


You're in my head

There's so many


things that I


should've said

A year of


suffering a


lesson learned


Chorus 2:


  I hope you get your


ballroom floor Your

perfect house with


rose red doors I'm

the last thing you'd


remember It's been a


long lonely December

I wish I'd known that


less is more But I

was passed out on the


floor And that's the


last thing I remember

It's been a long


lonely December


Terima kasih sudah membaca chord lagu yang aku sediakan kepada kalian yang bisa kamu hafalkan dan bisa kamu coba.

Unidha Universitas Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Madiun, disingkat UNIPMA adalah universitas Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia di Madiun, Indonesia, yang berdiri pada 17 Mei 1976. Rektor pada tahun 2022 adalah Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd.
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