
Wish You Were Here chords by Pink Floyd Simple

Sabtu, 27 Apr 2024, 18:26:28 WIB - 197 View
Wish You Were Here chords by Pink Floyd Simple

Lagu wish you were here merupakan salah satu lagu asing populer yang populer di
indonesia. Berikut lirik dan chord lengkap ada di bawah ini:
Verse 1
| C/G | D/F# |
So, so you think you can tell,
| Am | G |
heaven from hell, blue skies from pain.
| D/F# | C |
Can you tell a green field, from a cold steel rail,
| Am | G |
a smile from a veil, do you think you can tell.

Verse 2
| C/G | D/F# |
Did they get you to trade, your heroes for ghosts?
| Am | G |
Hot ashes for trees, hot air for a cool breeze.
| D/F# | C |
Cold comfort for change, did you exchange,
| Am | G |
a walk-on part in the war, for a lead role in a cage.

| Em7 | G5 G | Em7 | G5 G | Em7 |
| A7sus4 | Em7 | A7sus4 | G5 | G5 G |

| C/G | D/F# |
How I wish how I wish you were here.
| Am | G |
We’re just two lost souls, swimming in a fishbowl year after year.
| D/F# | C | 
Running over the same old ground what have we found,
| Am | G |
the same old fears wish you were here.

||: Em7 | G5 G | Em7 | G5 G | Em7 |
| A7sus4 | Em7 | A7sus4 | G5 | G5 G :||

Wish you were here chord di atas merupakan lirik dan panduan chord mudah di pahami.Semoga sahabat UNIPMA dapat mengikutinya dengan baik dan benar terimakasih.

Unidha Universitas Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia Madiun, disingkat UNIPMA adalah universitas Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia di Madiun, Indonesia, yang berdiri pada 17 Mei 1976. Rektor pada tahun 2022 adalah Dr. Supri Wahyudi Utomo, M.Pd.
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